#120 21st Century C
Notes on the book 21st Century C, 2nd Edition by Ben Klemens, pubished by O’Reilly
Highlights from the Table of Contents
- Preface
- C Is Punk Rock
- Q & A (Or, the Parameters of the Book)
- Standards: So Many to Choose From
I. The Environment
1. Set Yourself Up for Easy Compilation
- Use a Package Manager
- Compiling C with Windows
- Runtime Linking
- Using Makefiles
- Using Libraries from Source
Good practical introduction to setting up a working environment:
- compiler: gcc / clang
- debugger: gdb
- profiler: gprof
- make
- Valgrind, to test for C memory usage errors
- pkg-config, for finding libraries.
- Doxygen, for documentation generation
- A text editor
Later chapters cover: Autotools: Autoconf, Automake, libtool
2. Debug, Test, Document
- Using a Debugger
- Using Valgrind to Check for Errors
- Unit Testing
- Error Checking
- Interweaving Documentation
3. Packaging Your Project
Makefiles vs. Shell Scripts Packaging Your Code with Autotools
4. Version Control
Covers basics of git.
5. Playing Nice with Others
- Dynamic Loading
- Python Host
II. The Language
6. Your Pal the Pointer
- Automatic, Static, and Manual Memory
- Persistent State Variables
- Pointers Without malloc
7. Inessential C Syntax that Textbooks Spend a Lot of Time Covering
- Don’t Bother Explicitly Returning from main
- Let Declarations Flow
- Set Array Size at Runtime
- Cast Less
- Enums and Strings
- Labels, gotos, switches, and breaks
- Deprecate Float
- Comparing Unsigned Integers
- Safely Parse Strings to Numbers
8. Important C Syntax that Textbooks Often Do Not Cover
- Cultivate Robust and Flourishing Macros
- Linkage with static and extern
- The const Keyword
9. Easier Text Handling
- Making String Handling Less Painful with asprintf
- A Pæan to strtok
- Unicode
10. Better Structures
- Compound Literals
- Variadic Macros
- Safely Terminated Lists
- Multiple Lists
- Foreach
- Vectorize a Function
- Designated Initializers
- Initialize Arrays and Structs with Zeros
- Typedefs Save the Day
- Return Multiple Items from a Function
- Flexible Function Inputs
- The Void Pointer and the Structures It Points To
11. Object-Oriented Programming in C
Shows how to use OOP concenpts in C with a couple of full examples.
12. Parallel Threads
- OpenMP
- Thread Local
- Shared Resources
- Pthreads
- C atoms
13. Libraries
- GLib - libGlib
- The GNU Scientific Library - libGSL
- SQLite - libSQLite3
- libxml and cURL (libXML2, libcURL)
Provides a very good “C 101”
Getting the Example Source
The git repo actually contains a ziped archive of the sources.
I’ve extracted locally to a folder called example_source
as follows:
git clone https://resources.oreilly.com/examples/0636920025108.git
tar zxvf 0636920025108/21st_century_examples.tgz
mv 21st_century_examples example_source
rm -fR 0636920025108
Credits and References
- 21st Century C - O’Reilly listing