#153 Docker for Rails Developers
Notes on the book Docker for Rails Developers, By Rob Isenberg, pubished by The Pragmatic Programmers
Highlights from the Table of Contents
Part I — Development
1. A Brave New World
- Installing Docker
- Verifying Your Install
- Before We Begin
- Running a Ruby Script Without Ruby Installed
- Generating a New Rails App Without Ruby Installed
2. Running a Rails App in a Container
- How Do We Run Our Rails App?
- Defining Our First Custom Image
- Building Our Image
- Running a Rails Server with Our Image
- Reaching the App: Publishing Ports
- Binding the Rails Server to IP Addresses
3. Fine-Tuning Our Rails Image
- Naming and Versioning Our Image
- A Default Command
- Ignoring Unnecessary Files
- The Image Build Cache
- Caching Issue 1: Updating Packages
- Caching Issue 2: Unnecessary Gem Installs
- The Finishing Touch
4. Describing Our App Declaratively with Docker Compose
- Getting Started with Compose
- Launching Our App
- Mounting a Local Volume
- Starting and Stopping Services
- Other Common Tasks
5. Beyond the App: Adding Redis
- Starting a Redis Server
- Manually Connecting to the Redis Server
- How Containers Can Talk to Each Other
- Our Rails App Talking to Redis
- Starting the Entire App with Docker Compose
6. Adding a Database: Postgres
- Starting a Postgres Server
- Connecting to Postgres from a Separate Container
- Connecting Our Rails App to Postgres
- Using the Database in Practice
- Decoupling Data from the Container
7. Playing Nice with JavaScript
- The JavaScript Front-End Options
- Rails JavaScript Front End with Webpacker
- Compiling Assets with Webpacker
- A Hello World React App
8. Testing in a Dockerized Environment
- Setting Up RSpec
- Our First Test
- Setting Up Rails System Tests
- Running Tests That Rely on JavaScript
- Debugging
9. Advanced Gem Management
- The Downside to Our Existing Approach
- Using a Gem Cache Volume
10. Some Minor Irritations
- Rails tmp/pids/server.pid Not Cleaned Up
- Compose Intermittently Aborts with Ctrl-C
Part II — Toward Production
11. The Production Landscape
- The “Ops” in DevOps
- Container Orchestration
- A Tale of Two Orchestrators: Swarm and Kubernetes
- IaaS vs. CaaS
- Provisioning Your Infrastructure
- CaaS Platforms
- Serverless for Containers
- How to Decide What’s Right for Me?
12. Preparing for Production
- Configuring a Production Environment
- A Production Image: Precompiling Assets
- Sharing Images
13. A Production-Like Playground
- Creating Machines
- Introducing Docker Swarm
- Our First (Single Node) Swarm
- Describing Our App to Swarm
- Migrating the Database
- Deploying Our App on a Swarm
- Tasks and Swarm’s Scaling Model
- Scaling Up the Service
14. Deploying to the Cloud
- Creating a DigitalOcean Cluster
- Deploying to Our DigitalOcean Swarm
- Visualizing Containers
- Scale Up the Web Service
- Deploying to AWS Instead of DigitalOcean
Getting the Examples Source
wget http://media.pragprog.com/titles/ridocker/code/ridocker-code.zip
tar zxvf ridocker-code.zip
rm ridocker-code.zip
unzips into a code