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Project Notes

#153 for Rails Developers

Notes on the book Docker for Rails Developers, By Rob Isenberg, pubished by The Pragmatic Programmers



Highlights from the Table of Contents

Part I — Development

1. A Brave New World

  • Installing Docker
  • Verifying Your Install
  • Before We Begin
  • Running a Ruby Script Without Ruby Installed
  • Generating a New Rails App Without Ruby Installed

2. Running a Rails App in a Container

  • How Do We Run Our Rails App?
  • Defining Our First Custom Image
  • Building Our Image
  • Running a Rails Server with Our Image
  • Reaching the App: Publishing Ports
  • Binding the Rails Server to IP Addresses

3. Fine-Tuning Our Rails Image

  • Naming and Versioning Our Image
  • A Default Command
  • Ignoring Unnecessary Files
  • The Image Build Cache
  • Caching Issue 1: Updating Packages
  • Caching Issue 2: Unnecessary Gem Installs
  • The Finishing Touch

4. Describing Our App Declaratively with Docker Compose

  • Getting Started with Compose
  • Launching Our App
  • Mounting a Local Volume
  • Starting and Stopping Services
  • Other Common Tasks

5. Beyond the App: Adding Redis

  • Starting a Redis Server
  • Manually Connecting to the Redis Server
  • How Containers Can Talk to Each Other
  • Our Rails App Talking to Redis
  • Starting the Entire App with Docker Compose

6. Adding a Database: Postgres

  • Starting a Postgres Server
  • Connecting to Postgres from a Separate Container
  • Connecting Our Rails App to Postgres
  • Using the Database in Practice
  • Decoupling Data from the Container

7. Playing Nice with JavaScript

  • The JavaScript Front-End Options
  • Rails JavaScript Front End with Webpacker
  • Compiling Assets with Webpacker
  • A Hello World React App

8. Testing in a Dockerized Environment

  • Setting Up RSpec
  • Our First Test
  • Setting Up Rails System Tests
  • Running Tests That Rely on JavaScript
  • Debugging

9. Advanced Gem Management

  • The Downside to Our Existing Approach
  • Using a Gem Cache Volume

10. Some Minor Irritations

  • Rails tmp/pids/ Not Cleaned Up
  • Compose Intermittently Aborts with Ctrl-C

Part II — Toward Production

11. The Production Landscape

  • The “Ops” in DevOps
  • Container Orchestration
  • A Tale of Two Orchestrators: Swarm and Kubernetes
  • IaaS vs. CaaS
  • Provisioning Your Infrastructure
  • CaaS Platforms
  • Serverless for Containers
  • How to Decide What’s Right for Me?

12. Preparing for Production

  • Configuring a Production Environment
  • A Production Image: Precompiling Assets
  • Sharing Images

13. A Production-Like Playground

  • Creating Machines
  • Introducing Docker Swarm
  • Our First (Single Node) Swarm
  • Describing Our App to Swarm
  • Migrating the Database
  • Deploying Our App on a Swarm
  • Tasks and Swarm’s Scaling Model
  • Scaling Up the Service

14. Deploying to the Cloud

  • Creating a DigitalOcean Cluster
  • Deploying to Our DigitalOcean Swarm
  • Visualizing Containers
  • Scale Up the Web Service
  • Deploying to AWS Instead of DigitalOcean

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Credits and References

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LittleCodingKata is my collection of programming exercises, research and code toys broadly spanning things that relate to programming and software development (languages, frameworks and tools).

These range from the trivial to the complex and serious. Many are inspired by existing work and I'll note credits and references where applicable. The focus is quite scattered, as I variously work on things new and important in the moment, or go back to revisit things from the past.

This is primarily a personal collection for my own edification and learning, but anyone who stumbles by is welcome to borrow, steal or reference the work here. And if you spot errors or issues I'd really appreciate some feedback - create an issue, send me an email or even send a pull-request.

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