#227 Docker Shell
How to get a bash shell in a docker instance
Assuming we’re running a *nix OS in docker.. how to get a shell inside the container?
I’m using the official nginx image for testing…
Shell in a New Container
If there are no instances of the image running, start a new one and execute directly to shell:
$ docker run --rm -it --entrypoint bash nginx
root@32cf098b15ab:/# uname -a
Linux 32cf098b15ab 4.19.76-linuxkit #1 SMP Tue May 26 11:42:35 UTC 2020 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Shell in an Existing Container
Start a container:
$ docker run --name testing -d nginx
Then exec the shell addressing the instance by name:
$ docker exec -it testing /bin/bash
root@ac7d58793170:/# uname -a
Linux ac7d58793170 4.19.76-linuxkit #1 SMP Tue May 26 11:42:35 UTC 2020 x86_64 GNU/Linux
root@ac7d58793170:/# echo $NGINX_VERSION
If bash is on the PATH inside the container:
$ docker exec -it testing bash
root@ac7d58793170:/# uname -a
Linux ac7d58793170 4.19.76-linuxkit #1 SMP Tue May 26 11:42:35 UTC 2020 x86_64 GNU/Linux
root@ac7d58793170:/# echo $NGINX_VERSION
Shutdown the remove the instance:
$ docker stop testing
$ docker rm testing