#078 Redis with and old CircleCI Image
Notes on dealing with a Redis issue on an old Ubuntu 14.04 docker image with CircleCI
When I migrated some Ruby/Rails projects to CircleCI 2.0, the migration scripts recommended
using an ubuntu-14.04-XXL-upstart-1189-5614f37
docker image.
Everything was working fine until 13-Aug-2019 when the redis-server start commands begain to fail. These are old, unmaintained images now, but they still have Redis installed correctly. They are just unable to start the redis server using the conventional service control commands.
I still don’t know what the root cause is, but it appears to be a new incompatibility between ubuntu upstart and redis. But I found a workaround for the short-term (better to probably move these applications to more recent and maintained docker images).
Testing the Image
To find out what was going on, I ran the images locally to see what was going on with the redis startup.
Pulling the docker image
$ docker image pull circleci/build-image:ubuntu-14.04-XXL-upstart-1189-5614f37
Digest: sha256:c43b32467f43bd1294541eebf65ac082a234d8f7261ff3312c8bbca80e948dc5
Status: Downloaded newer image for circleci/build-image:ubuntu-14.04-XXL-upstart-1189-5614f37
We have a valid image:
$ docker image ls | grep XXL
circleci/build-image ubuntu-14.04-XXL-upstart-1189-5614f37 38df34ab2dd8 2 years ago 22.9GB
And can start it up, start the PostgreSQL server etc…
$ docker run -it circleci/build-image:ubuntu-14.04-XXL-upstart-1189-5614f37 bash
# sudo service postgresql status
9.5/main (port 5432): down
# sudo service postgresql start
* Starting PostgreSQL 9.5 database server
But the redis server can no longer startup as a service..
# sudo service redis-server status
initctl: Unable to connect to Upstart: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused
redis-server: unrecognized service
Redis is installed:
# apt list --installed redis*
Listing... Done
redis-server/trusty,now 2:2.8.4-2 amd64 [installed]
redis-tools/trusty,now 2:2.8.4-2 amd64 [installed,automatic]
Configuration /etc/init/redis-server.conf
is present (but not init.d):
# ls -al /etc/init.d/redis*
ls: cannot access /etc/init.d/redis*: No such file or directory
# ls /etc/init/redis-server.conf
Alternative upstart service control commands don’t work:
# sudo start redis-server
start: Unable to connect to Upstart: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused
But it is possible to start the server directly:
# nohup sudo -u redis /usr/bin/redis-server /etc/redis/redis.conf > /dev/null 2>&1 &
# redis-cli ping
Getting Circle CI Building Again
While it will be better to move to more moderna and maintained images, the following cicleci.yml fragments were enough to get our builds on the road again…
- image: circleci/build-image:ubuntu-14.04-XXL-upstart-1189-5614f37
- run:
name: redis-server start (hacky way)
command: '(nohup sudo -u redis /usr/bin/redis-server /etc/redis/redis.conf > /dev/null 2>&1 &)'
- run:
name: test redis
command: 'ps auxf ; redis-cli -h -p 6379 ping'
Cleaning Up
Listing containers
$ docker container ls -a | grep XXL
6ef9a334bcce circleci/build-image:ubuntu-14.04-XXL-upstart-1189-5614f37 "/sbin/init" 5 months ago Exited (137) 5 months ago cit
f2b352b4e8af circleci/build-image:ubuntu-14.04-XXL-upstart-1189-5614f37 "bash" 5 months ago Exited (0) 5 months ago mystifying_shirley
95684a6b7f3b circleci/build-image:ubuntu-14.04-XXL-upstart-1189-5614f37 "bash" 5 months ago Exited (100) 5 months ago eager_kare
Removing containers by id or name:
docker container rm cit
docker container rm 95684a6b7f3b
Removing the image:
docker image rm circleci/build-image:ubuntu-14.04-XXL-upstart-1189-5614f37