#117 Programming Elixir
Book notes - Programming Elixir by Dave Thomas, pubished by The Pragmatic Bookshelf
I bought Programming Elixir from The Pragmatic Bookshelf in version 1.0 and udated through to 1.3. the latest edition is 1.6. My notes here reflect the 1.3 edition.
Table of Contents - Highlights
Conventional Programming
- Pattern Matching
- Immutability
- Elixir Basics - Types
- Anonymous Functions
- Modules and Named Functions
- Lists and Recursion
- Maps, Keyword Lists, Sets, and Structs
- Processing Collections—Enum and Stream
- Strings and Binaries
- Control Flow
- Organizing a Project
- Tooling
Concurrent Programming
- Working with Multiple Processes
- Nodes—The Key to Distributing Services
- OTP: Servers
- OTP: Supervisors
- OTP: Applications
- Tasks and Agents
More-Advanced Elixir
- Macros and Code Evaluation
- Linking Modules: Behavio(u)rs and Use
- Protocols—Polymorphic Functions
Getting the Source
$ mkdir example_source
$ cd example_source
# v1.3 examples
$ wget http://media.pragprog.com/titles/elixir13/code/elixir13-code.tgz
$ tar xzvf elixir13-code.tgz
$ mv code elixir13-code
$ rm elixir13-code.tgz
# v1.6 examples
$ wget http://media.pragprog.com/titles/elixir16/code/elixir16-code.tgz
$ tar xzvf elixir16-code.tgz
$ mv code elixir16-code
$ rm elixir16-code.tgz
Credits and References
- Programming Elixir 1.3 - The Pragmatic Bookshelf
- Programming Elixir 1.6 - The Pragmatic Bookshelf
- Programming Elixir - goodreads
- example code source 1.3
- example code source 1.6