#290 Installing elm
Perhaps one day elm will come with your browser, but for now there are basically three methods for installing elm:
- binary distributions - Mac and Windows
- nms package
- build from source
I’ll try my first tests using npm.
Installing with npm
For routing use, it is recommended to install elm globally:
npm install -g elm
For a first test though, I’m going to install locally - even though elm does warn not to!
Initial package.json setup
npm init
npm install elm --save-dev
Install from package.json
npm install
Put the local node_packages bin directory on the path. Hopefully this should get around any problems with this not being a global install:
export PATH=$(npm bin):$PATH
So far so good:
$ elm
Elm Platform 0.16.0 - a way to run all Elm tools
Usage: elm <command> [<args>]
Available commands include:
make Compile an Elm file or project into JS or HTML
package Manage packages from <http://package.elm-lang.org>
reactor Develop with compile-on-refresh and time-travel debugging
repl A REPL for running individual expressions
You can learn more about a specific command by running things like:
elm make --help
elm package --help
elm <command> --help
In all these cases we are simply running 'elm-<command>' so if you create an
executable named 'elm-foobar' you will be able to run it as 'elm foobar' as
long as it appears on your PATH.
Quick REPL Test
Elm has a REPL package for testing snippets interactively.
$ elm repl
---- elm repl 0.16.0 -----------------------------------------------------------
:help for help, :exit to exit, more at <https://github.com/elm-lang/elm-repl>
> 1 + 1
2 : number
> f n = n + 1
<function> : number -> number
> f 41
42 : number
> :exit
Going Global
OK, now that seems to be all working OK, I went ahead and installed globally:
npm install -g elm
Credits and References
- Install - elm site
- npm elm package