#023 About Go
my tl;dr summary
Go In a Nutshell
Go is…
- open source
- compiled
- statically typed
Go features..
- functions that may return multiple values
Go was..
- created at Google in 2007
Go has..
- Two major implementations: Google’s Go compiler; gccgo, a GCC frontend
Go is governed by..
- Google, with an open design and contribution process on GitHub, with contributions governed by a Contributor License Agreement
Why Go?
- The really good: Network and Web servers
- The also really good: Stand-alone command-line apps or scripts
- The not so good: Desktop or GUI-based apps
- The less good: System-level programming
Credits and References
- The Go Programming Language - main site
- Go - wikipedia
- master repository at Google
- mirror on GitHub
- What’s the Go language really good for?