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#233 APs to vSZ

Configuring a Ruckus R610 access point to be managed by a Ruckus Virtual SmartZone controller.


These notes show the exact procedure used to successfully configure a Ruckus R610 indoor AP to be managed by a Ruckus Virtual SmartZone controller. For the test I am using a fresh Ruckus vSZ running on AWS, see my earlier notes

R610 Unleashed - Initial State

The R610 will initially be running as a standalone “unleashed” AP.

Login to the AP management console either directly or connecting to an SSID managed by the AP and browsing to


It confirms the AP is running Ruckus Unleashed Version:

Downgrade R610 to Solo

The AP needs to be converted to solo mode before it can be added to a SmartZone controller.

Latest software major versions available as of now:

I’ll upgrade to upgrade as its the latest generally available, so I downloaded the firmware file to my local disk: R610_110.

Installing ZoneFlex Solo Access Point

Go to the Administration > Upgrade section of the management web UI:

  • choose the Local Upgrade
  • browse to select the firmware file R610_110.


Start the upgrade (after optionally downloading/saving the current config):


Wait for the upgrade to finish:


When complete, it prompts for reboot:



After the Reboot to

After the reboot, the AP will have its configuration reset and wil be broadcasting the Configure.Me-XXXXX SSID. With this version of the firmware, this is a WPA2-secured network and the password is the AP serial number.

Add the AP to the Controller

PS: from my Mac, I don’t have much success connecting to the secure Configure.Me-XXXXX SSID. After initially connecting, it seems the Mac captive network assistant causes the connection to fail (may be an invalid certificate issue). So I’ll complete the configuration from the ssh command line.

After upgrade, ssh to the AP access with super/sp-admin. Set the SCG IP to the management IP of the vSZ and reboot:

$ ssh

Please login: super
password :
Copyright(C) 2016 Ruckus Wireless, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

** Ruckus R610 Multimedia Hotzone Wireless AP: 481849003619

rkscli: get version
Ruckus R610 Multimedia Hotzone Wireless AP
rkscli: set scg ip
rkscli: reboot
rkscli: Connection to closed by remote host.
Connection to closed.

After the reboot, the AP will show up in the default group


Once the vSZ has control, it will update the AP configuration, and also switch the firmware to SmartZone AP firmware This takes some time and a few automatic AP reboots, but eventually the AP will reflect the controller-enforced settings and be broadcasting the configured SSIDs


Checking the SCG Configuration

The sssh access to the controller will now required the username and password configured for the controller WLAN group. After access, can check the AP’s SCG configuration:

$ ssh

Please login: apadmin
password :
Copyright(C) 2022 Ruckus Wireless, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

** Ruckus R610 Multimedia Hotzone Wireless AP: 481849003619

rkscli: get scg ip

------ SCG Information ------
SCG Service is enabled.
AP is managed by SCG.
Server List:,
SSH tunnel connected to
Failover List: Not found
Failover Max Retry: 2
DHCP Opt43 Code: 6
Server List from DHCP (Opt43/Opt52): Not found
SCG default URL: RuckusController
SCG config|heartbeat intervals: 30|30
SCG gwloss|serverloss timeouts: 1800|7200
Controller Cert Validation : disable

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