#014 Javascript/highcharts_with_bower
Demonstrate the process of installing and packaging Highcharts with bower.
Bower is a package manager for web components that may contain HTML, CSS, JavaScript, fonts or even image files.
HighCharts is one of the leading Javascript charting packages.
Now dance!
Install Bower
Requires npm
, then install bower globally:
npm install -g bower
Highcharts Installation
bower install highcharts
Or to install and add highcharts to bower.json
bower install highcharts --save
Installing from bower.json
With bower.json
prepared, install all the dependencies (including highcharts)
bower install
Compiling for Distribution
The highcharts sources installed in bower_components
are not actually checked-in the repo
or included in the distribution. While you could do that, the approach I’ll use
here is to compile
javascript dependencies for distribution.
For that I’ll use grunt
with the grunt-bower-concat
to generate app/compiled.js
Install npm dependencies:
npm install -g grunt
npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install # from package.json
Then compile the bower components:
$ cat Gruntfile.coffee
module.exports = (grunt)->
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
bower_concat: {
all: {
dest: 'app/compiled.js',
bowerOptions: {
relative: false
grunt.registerTask('default', ['bower_concat'])
$ grunt
Running "bower_concat:all" (bower_concat) task
File app/compiled.js created.
The example in example.html is an adaptation of the HighCharts ‘First Chart’ example.
Or run the demo live from GitHub Pages.
Credits and References
- bower.io
- Highcharts
- Install from Bower - highcharts
- grunt-bower-concat