#019 gRPC Explainer - C++ Version
This sample implements a C++ version of the Explainer Protocol.
The Explainer is totally inspired by Natalie Silvanovich’s Hardware Excuse Generator
Install and Build
Install the gRPC C core library first.
The generation of protocol stubs is handled by the make file, so just:
$ make
protoc -I ../protocols --cpp_out=. ../protocols/explainer.proto
g++ -std=c++11 -I/usr/local/include -pthread -c -o explainer.pb.o explainer.pb.cc
protoc -I ../protocols --grpc_out=. --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=`which grpc_cpp_plugin` ../protocols/explainer.proto
g++ -std=c++11 -I/usr/local/include -pthread -c -o explainer.grpc.pb.o explainer.grpc.pb.cc
g++ -std=c++11 -I/usr/local/include -pthread -c -o explain.o explain.cc
g++ explainer.pb.o explainer.grpc.pb.o explain.o -L/usr/local/lib -lgrpc++_unsecure -lgrpc -lprotobuf -lpthread -ldl -o explain
Test Drive - C++ Client and Server
I don’t have a C++ server implementation yet, so using the ruby version Start the server in one console window..
$ cd ../ruby
$ ./explainer.rb
ShiFu is waiting to explain all of your problems...
Now try the C++ client in another:
$ ./explain
Here's some help:
Describe your problem in a sentence, using the text "REASON" where-ever you'd like a good excuse inserted
e.g. "Glitching was not a viable attack because of REASON"
$ ./explain "Your phone is probably crashing because of REASON"
Your phone is probably crashing because of voltage gitches in the capacitor C1
$ ./explain "Your phone is probably crashing because of REASON"
Your phone is probably crashing because of voltage spikes in the battery
$ ./explain "Your phone is probably crashing because of REASON"
Your phone is probably crashing because of impedance in the coil
$ ./explain "Your phone is probably crashing because of REASON"
Your phone is probably crashing because of excessive bridging loss
$ ./explain "Your phone is probably crashing because of REASON"
Your phone is probably crashing because of residual capacitance caused by the button
$ ./explain "Your phone is probably crashing because of REASON"
Your phone is probably crashing because of electromagnetic interference
$ ./explain "Your phone is probably crashing because of REASON"
Your phone is probably crashing because of excessive heat emitted by the button