#108 About Zeromq
Zeromq in a nutshell with a quick test of using the library from C.
Zeromq is
- also known as zmq, 0mq, 0MQ
- an open-source universal messaging library - see github
- is language and platform agnostic
- carries messages across inproc, IPC, TCP, UDP, TIPC, multicast and WebSocket
- supports multiple messaging models: fan-out, pub-sub, task distribution, and request-reply
- is broker-less by default (though you could build a broker with 0mq)
Checking the Library Version
The version.c is a quick check that the library is installed and usable from C. Using the Makefile…
$ make
gcc -Wall -O3 `pkg-config --cflags libzmq` version.c `pkg-config --libs libzmq` -o version
Current 0MQ version is 4.3.2
Credits and References
- zeromq
- zeromq - github
- zeromq - the guide
- zmq_version - api doc