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#115 Request-Reply in C

Basic ZeroMQ ‘hello world’ example of the request-reply messaging pattern in C.


A simple example that demonstrates a basic request-reply pattern, exchanging string messages in C.

Key points:

  • zmq-socket is created within a zmq-ctx-new context.
    • ZMQ_REQ is used by a client to send requests to and receive replies from a service. each reply received is matched with the last issued request
    • ZMQ_REP is used by a service to receive requests from and send replies to a client. each reply sent is routed to the client that issued the last request
  • zmq-bind is used by the server to listen on unicast transport using TCP
  • zmq-connect is used by the client to connect to the server on pre-agreed port
  • zmq-send and zmq-recv used by both client and server.
  • strings are sent as just bytes. Safe conversion to null-terminated C strings is the responsibility of the program using ZeroMQ. The examples read messages into {0} initialised buffers to avoid problems.

Running the Example

Build the project..

$ make
gcc -Wall -O3 `pkg-config --cflags libzmq`    client.c  `pkg-config --libs libzmq` -o client
gcc -Wall -O3 `pkg-config --cflags libzmq`    server.c  `pkg-config --libs libzmq` -o server

Start up the server..

$ ./server
Server is listening for connections on tcp:5555...
Received request msg: 'REQ #0', recv_size: 6, strlen: 6
Replying with msg: 'REP to REQ #0', strlen: 13
Received request msg: 'REQ #1', recv_size: 6, strlen: 6
Replying with msg: 'REP to REQ #1', strlen: 13
Received request msg: 'REQ #2', recv_size: 6, strlen: 6
Replying with msg: 'REP to REQ #2', strlen: 13
Received request msg: 'REQ #3', recv_size: 6, strlen: 6
Replying with msg: 'REP to REQ #3', strlen: 13
Received request msg: 'REQ #4', recv_size: 6, strlen: 6
Replying with msg: 'REP to REQ #4', strlen: 13
Received request msg: 'REQ #5', recv_size: 6, strlen: 6
Replying with msg: 'REP to REQ #5', strlen: 13
Received request msg: 'REQ #6', recv_size: 6, strlen: 6
Replying with msg: 'REP to REQ #6', strlen: 13
Received request msg: 'REQ #7', recv_size: 6, strlen: 6
Replying with msg: 'REP to REQ #7', strlen: 13
Received request msg: 'REQ #8', recv_size: 6, strlen: 6
Replying with msg: 'REP to REQ #8', strlen: 13
Received request msg: 'REQ #9', recv_size: 6, strlen: 6
Replying with msg: 'REP to REQ #9', strlen: 13

Then start up a client…

$ ./client
Connecting to the server on tcp:5555...
Sending 'REQ #0', strlen=6 ...
Received reply #0: 'REP to REQ #0', recv_size: 13, strlen: 13
Sending 'REQ #1', strlen=6 ...
Received reply #1: 'REP to REQ #1', recv_size: 13, strlen: 13
Sending 'REQ #2', strlen=6 ...
Received reply #2: 'REP to REQ #2', recv_size: 13, strlen: 13
Sending 'REQ #3', strlen=6 ...
Received reply #3: 'REP to REQ #3', recv_size: 13, strlen: 13
Sending 'REQ #4', strlen=6 ...
Received reply #4: 'REP to REQ #4', recv_size: 13, strlen: 13
Sending 'REQ #5', strlen=6 ...
Received reply #5: 'REP to REQ #5', recv_size: 13, strlen: 13
Sending 'REQ #6', strlen=6 ...
Received reply #6: 'REP to REQ #6', recv_size: 13, strlen: 13
Sending 'REQ #7', strlen=6 ...
Received reply #7: 'REP to REQ #7', recv_size: 13, strlen: 13
Sending 'REQ #8', strlen=6 ...
Received reply #8: 'REP to REQ #8', recv_size: 13, strlen: 13
Sending 'REQ #9', strlen=6 ...
Received reply #9: 'REP to REQ #9', recv_size: 13, strlen: 13

Credits and References

About LCK#115 messagingzeromqc
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LittleCodingKata is my collection of programming exercises, research and code toys broadly spanning things that relate to programming and software development (languages, frameworks and tools).

These range from the trivial to the complex and serious. Many are inspired by existing work and I'll note credits and references where applicable. The focus is quite scattered, as I variously work on things new and important in the moment, or go back to revisit things from the past.

This is primarily a personal collection for my own edification and learning, but anyone who stumbles by is welcome to borrow, steal or reference the work here. And if you spot errors or issues I'd really appreciate some feedback - create an issue, send me an email or even send a pull-request.

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