#003 Fixing the First Line of a File
I have a text file, but the first line might need modification. What to do?
Reach for perl
of course!
This requires a variation of the generic patch_file process described here.
The examples.sh script demonstrates the principle. The example is actually taking a file in Intel Hex format and pre-pending an Extended Linear Address record if one is not already present.
$ ./examples.sh
Installing example.hex from template..
Original example.hex (head only)..
Step 1: Patching the first line (with file backup)
Cummulative diffs..
< :020000040000FA
Step 2: Try patching again - should not duplicate (without backup)
Cummulative diffs..
< :020000040000FA
Resulting example.hex (head only)..
Credits and References
- How can I make changes to only the first line of a file? - SO
- Re: Replacing the first line of a text file
- The Perl Programming Language
- OSHChip/GccToolchain - where I used this recently
- Intel HEX - wikipedia