#264 Lotto Picker - The Python Way
Using a lotto picker example to demonstrate random numbers and set operations the python way
Picking numbers for a lottery is a simple demonstration of two language features:
- random number generation
- producing a unique set
This is a little demonstration of how to do this the python way.
See also:
- ruby/lotto_picker - ruby version
- rust/lotto_picker - rust version
Random Number Generation
The random standard library provides a
pseudo-random number generator (PRNG), currently implemented as a
Mersenne Twister
with a period of 2**19937-1
The random.randint(a, b)
return a random integer N such that a <= N <= b.
random.randint(1, 10)
=> 6
Unique Sets
We need to pick a unique set of numbers i.e. no repeats. There are many ways of doing this. Since we are picking from a continuous series, we can simplify things by just ensuring that the results set does is unique i.e. does not contain an repeating elements.
This is perfect use of the set library type. The set class provides collection of unordered values with no duplicates.
my_numbers = set()
=> {}
=> {5}
=> {5}
The Example
See lpickr.py.
The core routine uses
for random number generation and
for unique result set
def pick(number_count, upper_limit):
if number_count > upper_limit:
raise Exception('Upper limit must be >= the number to pick')
choices = set()
while len(choices) < number_count:
choices.add(random.randint(1, upper_limit))
return sorted(list(choices))
Using the Example
The lpickr.py script supports a simple command line to pick “n” numbers from 1 to a max number “m”
Call for instructions:
$ ./lpickr.py ?
Usage: python ./lpickr.py <number_to_pick> <max>
python ./lpickr.py 6 40
5, 6, 14, 28, 30, 38
Some sample runs:
$ ./lpickr.py 3 10
1, 6, 7
$ ./lpickr.py 3 10
1, 8, 10
$ ./lpickr.py 3 10
1, 4, 9
$ ./lpickr.py 3 10
1, 5, 7
$ ./lpickr.py 7 49
8, 16, 20, 29, 43, 46, 49
Running the Tests
Some basic tests are included in test_lpickr.py
$ ./test_lpickr.py
Ran 4 tests in 0.035s