#157 Reducing Overlapping Ranges
Looking at solutions for how to aggregate a series of ranges while excluding any overlaps (e.g. set of date ranges)
Here’s the essential problem: given a set of ranges, calculate the net range coverage, excluding any overlap or duplication. The specific case I have in mind is a set of date ranges and I need to calculate the total duration without duplication/double counting.
The Ruby Range class offers some tantilizing functions
such as cover?
, and Rails adds some spice e.g. overlaps?
but they don’t get much closer to the goal.
Overlap of a date with an array of date intervals from stackoverflow is getting closer, and gave me a pointer to the range_operators that looks promising.
A Naïve Algorithm
Here’s the thinking:
- the data pairs are sorted by their first element
- then each subsquent pair will fall into one of three cases:
- start after the last end item, so can be added to the result in full
- end after the last end item, so the difference between the last end and the “new” end is added to the result
- end before the end of the last item, so can be ignored (already covered)
And here’s the implementation I used:
def naive_calculation(data)
data.sort_by { |pair| pair.first }.each_with_object(
{ duration: 0, last_end: 0 }
) do |pair, memo|
if pair.first > memo[:last_end]
memo[:duration] += pair.last - pair.first + 1
memo[:last_end] = pair.last
elsif pair.last > memo[:last_end]
memo[:duration] += pair.last - memo[:last_end]
memo[:last_end] = pair.last
This passes all the test cases I’ve thrown at it so far, and actually turns out to be relatively straight-forward.
Using the Range Operators Gem
The range_operators gem offers a very useful method for this problem:
. It reduces a set of ranges down to the smallest set of non-overlapping ranges.
[5..10, 8..12, 6..8, 20..22].rangify
=> [5..12, 20..22]
So here’s the equivalent algorithm. The rangify
call is the core, surrounded:
- pre: convert the 2-D array into an array of ranges
- post: sum the sizes of the resulting ranges
def range_operators_calculation(data)
data.map do |pair|
Range.new *pair
Test Run
See examples.rb for the implementation of both the naïve and range operators versions, tested with a couple of different datasets. Executing the file runs the test suite:
$ ./examples.rb
Run options: --seed 32192
# Running:
Finished in 0.001889s, 2117.5228 runs/s, 2117.5228 assertions/s.
4 runs, 4 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
Credits and References
- Range
- range_operators gem
- Overlap of a date with an array of date intervals from stackoverflow