#270 with_defaults
About the reverse_merge
and with_defaults
Hash mixins from Rails
A great little article from Andy Croll: For clarity merging hashes use with_defaults
I’ve used reverse_merge
quite a bit, but the semantics of with_defaults
are very nice IMHO.
params = { a: 'value of a', b: 'value of b' }
defaults = { a: 'default value of a', b: 'default value of b', c: 'default value of c' }
=> { a: 'value of a', b: 'value of b', c: 'default value of c' }
These functionas are available if running Rails. To use in other ruby projects, add ‘activesupport’ gem to your project and require core activesupport:
require 'active_support'
require 'active_support/core_ext'
Example Test
See a simepl test in test_with_defaults.rb:
$ ./test_with_defaults.rb
Run options: --seed 24687
# Running:
Finished in 0.001573s, 635.7279 runs/s, 635.7279 assertions/s.
1 runs, 1 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips