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#096 Penetration Testing Cookbook

Book notes - Metasploit Penetration Testing Cookbook, Second Edition by Monika Agarwal, Abhinav Singh


The Metasploit Penetration Testing Cookbook is a bit old now (published 2013). It gives a good general overview, but actually commands and tools are a bit outdated.

Table of Contents - Highlights

Metasploit Quick Tips for Security Professionals - Introduction

Covers installing and configuring on Windows, Ubuntu, BackTrack 5 R3 and VMware. This is quite out of date now.

Information Gathering and Scanning

  • Passive information gathering - Nmap, DNmap
  • Using keimpx – an SMB credentials scanner
  • Detecting SSH versions with the SSH version scanner
  • FTP scanning
  • SNMP sweeping
  • Vulnerability scanning with Nessus
  • Scanning with NeXpose
  • Working with OpenVAS – a vulnerability scanner

Operating-System-based Vulnerability Assessment

  • Penetration testing: Windows XP SP2, Windows 8, Linux (Ubuntu)
  • Understanding the Windows DLL injection flaws

Client-side Exploitation and Antivirus Bypass

  • Exploiting Internet Explorer execCommand Use-After-Free vulnerability
  • Understanding Adobe Flash Player “new function” invalid pointer use
  • Understanding Microsoft Word RTF stack buffer overflow
  • Working with Adobe Reader U3D Memory Corruption
  • Generating binary and shell code from msfpayload
  • Msfencoding schemes with the detection ratio
  • Using the killav.rb script to disable the antivirus programs
  • Killing the antiviruses’ services from the command line
  • Working with the syringe utility

Working with Modules for Penetration Testing

  • Working with scanner auxiliary modules
  • Working with auxiliary admin modules
  • SQL injection and DoS attack module
  • Post-exploitation modules
  • Understanding the basics of module building
  • Analyzing an existing module
  • Building your own post-exploitation module

Exploring Exploits

  • Exploiting the module structure
  • Working with msfvenom
  • Converting an exploit to a Metasploit module
  • Porting and testing the new exploit module
  • Fuzzing with Metasploit
  • Writing a simple FileZilla FTP fuzzer

VoIP Penetration Testing

  • Scanning and enumeration phase
  • Yielding passwords
  • VLAN hopping
  • VoIP MAC spoofing
  • Impersonation attack
  • DoS attack

Wireless Network Penetration Testing

  • Setting up and running Fern WiFi Cracker
  • Sniffing interfaces with tcpdump
  • Cracking WEP and WPA with Fern WiFi Cracker
  • Session hijacking via a MAC address
  • Locating a target’s geolocation
  • Understanding an evil twin attack
  • Configuring Karmetasploit

Social-Engineer Toolkit

  • Getting started with the Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET)
  • Working with the SET config file
  • Working with the spear-phishing attack vector
  • Website attack vectors
  • Working with the multi-attack web method
  • Infectious media generator

Working with Meterpreter

  • Understanding the Meterpreter system, filesystem, networking commands
  • Privilege escalation and process migration
  • Setting up multiple communication channels with the target
  • Meterpreter anti-forensics – timestomp
  • The getdesktop and keystroke sniffing
  • Using a scraper Meterpreter script
  • Passing the hash
  • Setting up a persistent connection with backdoors
  • Pivoting with Meterpreter
  • Port forwarding with Meterpreter
  • Meterpreter API and mixins
  • Railgun – converting Ruby into a weapon
  • Adding DLL and function definition to Railgun
  • Building a “Windows Firewall De-activator” Meterpreter script
  • Analyzing an existing Meterpreter script
  • Injecting the VNC server remotely
  • Exploiting a vulnerable PHP application
  • Incognito attack with Meterpreter

Pentesting in the Cloud

Running and targeting pentesting in the cloud. Some general ideas still valid, but particulars quite different now.

Credits and References

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