#001 envsubst
substitute shell variables in text
is is available on most *nix systems and can be installed on MacOS as part of the BSD gettext library.
It’s a useful tool for either completely or selectively substituting environment variables in text that has shell format strings.
Example uses include:
- generating config files from templates with variable substitution
Quick Example
will attempt to substitute all variable by default:
$ echo 'substituting ${TEST} ${ALT} ${NADA}' | TEST=abc ALT=alt envsubst
substituting abc alt
Or you can give it a constrained list of variables to interpolate:
$ echo 'substituting ${TEST} ${ALT} ${NADA}' | TEST=abc ALT=alt envsubst '$TEST:$ALT'
substituting abc alt ${NADA}
MacOS Installation
Easy to install with homebrew:
brew install gettext
But note the formula is keg-only, which means it was not symlinked into /usr/local.
So while you could directly reference /usr/local/opt/gettext/bin/envsubst
or add that to the path,
brew link
can be used to add the symlinks:
$ brew link --force gettext
$ which envsubst
When done, you can unlink if desired:
brew unlink gettext
Credits and References
- envsubst: command not found on Mac OS X 10.8
- man envsubst
- gettext - brew formula doc
- gettext.rb - brew formula source