#306 rebase all
How to rebase all local branches on the current master/main branch
When working with many local branches, I prefer to rebase on a published commit when preparing to push. Only large projects, it can be quite intimidating to see how much history has passed one by from the initial ideation point to when you are ready to commit!
Maintaining many local branches can lead to lots of terminal typing to get once;s branches in to line.
Here’s a script/procedure for automatically rebasing all branches on the current master/main branch
Script outline
Most repos have switched from calling their primary branch ‘master’ to ‘main’. So first we figure out what the main branch is called:
# Determine if the base branch is called 'main' else assume 'master'
if git show-ref --verify --quiet refs/heads/main; then
Then we can iterate over all head branch commits using git-for-each-ref:
git for-each-ref 'refs/heads/*' | \
while read rev type ref; do
branch=$(expr "$ref" : 'refs/heads/\(.*\)' )
revs=$(git rev-list $rev..$base_branch)
if [ -n "$revs" ]; then
echo $branch needs update
git checkout $branch && git rebase $base_branch
We can tell if the branch has commits ahead of the primary branch by using git rev-list and if needed, checkout the branch and rebase it.
Finally, it is nice to land on the main branch:
# finish up on base branch
git checkout $base_branch
The script rebase_all.sh demonstrates how this is done..